Sau khi được giới thiệu tại hội chợ Macworld và CES 2009, Shure (US) đã chính thức đưa tai nghe SE115 ra các kênh bán lẻ với giá $99 (giá tại hãng $119).
Được giới thiệu là tai nghe thay thế cho dòng tai nghe căn bản nhất của shure, SE110, SE115 có nhiều màu để lựa chọn hơn với SE110 khi sản xuất chỉ có 2 màu. Được nhà thiết kế tăng cường thêm bass và thay lại driver từ balance sang dynamic, SE115 có được âm thanh không flat như 110 mà được người đánh giá có âm nghe nịnh tai hơn.
Chẳng biết Shure nhận được gì trong các phiếu đánh giá của khách hàng dòng cơ bản này khi quyết định làm mới cho dòng tai nghe phổ thông. Ngoài lựa chọn màu sắc, hình dáng của SE115 hoàn toàn giống như 110. Việc đưa ra tai nghe 115 kỳ này cũng đồng nghĩa với giá giảm của SE110 xuống còn $89.
Technical Specifications:
Speaker Type: Dynamic MicroSpeaker II
Sensitivity (1mW): 105 dB SPL/mW
Impedance (1kHz): 16
Frequency Range: 22Hz – 17.5kHz
Cable Length/with Extension: 18 in. / 45cm (54 in. / 136cm)
Depuis 2 ans, iriver est la seconde marque la plus présente sur le marché des baladeurs MP3. Since 2 years, iriver brand is the second most active in the market for MP3 players.Pas celle qui vend le plus, mais celle qui est la plus prolifique au niveau des produits. No one who sells the most, but one that is most prolific at the product level.Dernier né chez la marque coréenne, le E50 , un petit baladeur d’entrée de gamme qui dispose d’un grand nombre de fonctionnalités, pour un prix assez attractif… Voici notre test de celui-ci. Latest from the Korean brand, the E50, a small player input range which has a large number of features for a price attractive enough ... This is our test it.
Spécifications Specifications
Le E50 est un baladeur équipé d’une mémoire de 2Go, 4Go ou 8Go, d’un écran TFT LCD 262k couleurs de 1,8″ (176×220px), d’un tuner/enregistreur FM, d’un micro, de 5EQ et d’une compatibilité MP3, FLAC, APE, WMA , WAV, SMV (vidéo), JPEG , BMP. The E50 is a device equipped with a memory of 2GB, 4GB or 8GB, screen TFT LCD 262k color 1.8 "(176 × 220px), a tuner / FM recorder, a microphone, 5EQ and an MP3, FLAC, APE, WMA, WAV, SMV (video), JPEG, BMP.USB 2.0, son autonomie annoncée est de 52h en audio et ses dimensions sont de 88×38,8×7,7mm pour 40g. USB 2.0, announced its autonomy is 52h audio and its dimensions are 88 × 38.8 × 7.7 mm for 40g.Il est disponible au prix de 69 euros pour la version 4Go. It is available at a price of 69 Euros for the 4GB version.
Le E50 est livré dans une belle petite boîte plastique translucide. The E50 comes in a beautiful small translucent plastic box.Par contre, ne vous attendez pas à trouver beaucoup de chose dans celle-ci : un câble USB, une paire d’écouteurs type intra et un CD . By against, do not expect to find many things in it: USB cable, a pair of intra type headphones and a CD.
Le baladeur dispose d’une finition métallique très agréable et surtout très classe. The player has a very metallic finish and very enjoyable class.Au dos par contre il s’agit d’un plastique noir mat qui a la particularité de ne pas prendre les traces de doigts, contrairement à la face où cela se produit surtout au niveau de l’écran… Against by the back is a matte black plastic which has the distinction of not taking fingerprints, unlike the face where it occurs at the screen ...
Le baladeur est assez petit, léger et fin, on est loin des baladeurs type “no name”, car la finition est également de qualité ! The player is quite small, lightweight and slim, it is far from the portable type "no name" because the finish is also quality!Il tient assez bien dans la main. It holds fairly well in hand.Par contre le pavé de commande placé sous l’écran n’est pas des plus évidents, car les différentes touches sont légèrement marquées mais cela ne se voit pas du tout, et comme il n’ya pas de rétro-éclairage, on n’est pas plus aidé. As against the pad placed under the command screen is not very obvious, because different keys are slightly marked but it is not at all, and there is no backlighting, we ' is not helped either.
Sur la tranche gauche du baladeur se trouvent le micro et le bouton reset, sur la tranche droite, le bouton Power. On the left-hand edge of the player are the microphone and reset button on the right portion, the Power button.À noter que la touche hold est située au dos. Note that the hold button is located on the back.Enfin, sur la tranche inférieure, se trouvent le port USB (mini USB standard) ainsi que la prise jack 3,5mm. Finally, on the bottom, you will find the USB port (mini USB standard) and the 3.5 mm jack.Il ya également deux petites vis de part et d’autre, pas vraiment esthétique, mais bon, on n’y fait pas attention… There are also two small screws on both sides, not really aesthetic, but hey, it does not pay attention ...
Utilisation Use
Le E50 est donc un tout petit baladeur, qui dispose également d’un petit écran. The E50 is a tiny player, which also has a small screen.Le principe de navigation est basé sur le système D-Click d’iriver, c’est-à-dire que le pavé directionnel qui est carré, chaque côté se clic (haut, bas, gauche, droite) pour naviguer dans le baladeur. The navigation is based on the D-Click system for iriver, ie that the directional pad which is square, each side will click (top, bottom, left, right) to navigate the device.À première vue et lors de la première utilisation, il est vrai que ce n’est pas forcément évident, mais en fait on s’y fait très vite et ça devient même intuitif ! At first glance and at first use, it is true that this is not necessarily obvious, but in fact we made it very quickly and it becomes very intuitive!
Le bouton du volume est quant à lui situé sur le haut du pavé, dans les angles gauche et droit, du coup, ce n’est pas si pratique que ça, car il est facile de les confondre avec les touches droite et gauche… The volume knob, it is located on the top of the pavement in the corners left and right, so, it is not so convenient as that, because it is easy to confuse them with the keys left and right ...
Le baladeur est assez réactif, le menu est quant à lui basé sur le même thème que le iriver Spinn mais dans le sens vertical. The player is quite responsive, the menu itself is based on the same theme as the iriver Spinn but in the vertical direction.Les différentes fonctionnalités sont directement accessibles via des petites icônes. The various features are directly accessible via small icons.Il existe un second thème où ces dernières sont remplacées par du texte. There is a second theme where they are replaced by text.Comme pour tous ses baladeurs, l’interface d’iriver est en flash et il devrait donc être facile de la personnaliser pour les connaisseurs comme c’était déjà le cas sur d’autres baladeurs de la marque. As with all its players, iriver's interface is Flash and it should be easy to customize for the connoisseurs as was the case on other players of the mark.Impossible par contre, de personnaliser l’interface en mettant un fond d’écran par exemple. Against impossible, to customize the interface by putting a screen for example.
Pour terminer, un petit mot sur l’écran, assez sombre malgré la luminosité au max, qui devient vite illisible quand il ya trop de lumière… De plus, sa définition n’est pas terrible, ça passe pour de la musique ou pour visionner des photos, mais sur des vidéos le rendu est loin d’être optimal. Finally, some words on the screen, rather dark, despite the brightness at max, which quickly becomes unreadable when there is too much light ... In addition, its definition is not terrible, it's for music or to view photos, but video rendering is far from optimal.
Musique Music
La partie musique de l’iriver E50 est assez classique, on arrive d’abord sur un écran où on peut naviguer par tags (albums, genres, titres…) ou directement par dossiers/fichiers. The music part of the iriver E50 is fairly standard, we arrive first on a screen where you can browse by tags (albums, genres, titles ...) or directly from folders / files.
Une fois sa musique choisie, la lecture se lance sur un nouvel écran assez simple affichant les pochettes d’albums (bien entendu si celles-ci sont incluses dans le tag de votre fichier), les infos sur le titre, la durée… Once the music selected, playback will start on a new screen displaying quite simple album (of course if they are included in the tag of your file), information about the title, length ...
En appuyant un long moment sur le côté droit du pavé directionnel, on accède aux options. Pressing a long time on the right side of the directional pad, you can access the options.Il est possible de choisir un mode de lecture, de supprimer le fichier, d’avoir des infos détaillées sur ce dernier, de sélectionner un égaliseur ou effet sonore, d’ajouter le titre à ses favoris (liste de lecture à la volée) ou encore de noter le titre. You can choose a playback mode, delete the file, to have detailed information on the latter, to select an equalizer or sound effect to add the title to his favorites (playlist on the fly) or to note the title.
Notez également plusieurs choses : Also note several things:
un mode reprise est disponible lorsque vous éteignez le baladeur, il reprendra là où la musique s’était arrêtée, a recovery is available when you turn off the player, it resumes where the music had stopped,
il est possible de mettre des playlistes déjà existantes sur le baladeur, mais pour cela il faudra passer par le logiciel d’iriver ou Windows MediaPlayer, it is possible to make existing playlists on the player, but why it is necessary to iriver software or Windows MediaPlayer,
il est possible d’écouter de la musique en se baladant dans les menus du baladeur. it is possible to listen to music by walking through the menus of the player.
Qualité sonore Sound Quality
La qualité sonore du iriver E50 est dans la lignée des baladeurs iriver. The sound quality of the iriver E50 is in line with iriver players.Cependant, j’ai pu le comparer avec mon E100, car sur ce dernier c’était une catastrophe. However, I could compare it with my E100, because on it was a disaster.Je dois dire que c’est un peu mieux ! I must say it is a little better!En effet, j’ai pu tester avec des fichiers encodés en FLAC, le son était relativement bon, mais pas exceptionnel non plus. In fact, I've tested with files encoded in FLAC, the sound was quite good but not exceptional either.Il manque un peu de pêche et surtout un souffle est présent quand le volume du baladeur est très bas ou quand on navigue dans celui-ci et qu’il n’ya pas de titre en lecture. It lacks a bit of fishing and above all, a breath is present when the volume of the player is very low or when traveling in it and there is no way in reading.Mais iriver fournit quelques égaliseurs dont un personnalisable ! Iriver but gives some equalizers including a customizable!
À noter qu’avec des fichiers au format FLAC, j’ai eu l’impression d’avoir un son plus métallique qu’en MP3. Note that files in FLAC format, I had the impression of having a more metallic than MP3.Étrange, mais j’avais déjà constaté cela sur le Spinn. Strange, but I already found this on the Spinn.
Côté qualité des écouteurs, même si ceux-ci restent d’entrée de gamme, iriver a fait un petit effort en offrant des écouteurs de type intra légèrement mieux que les écouteurs classiques, car, par exemple, ces derniers saturent moins. Côté quality headphones, even if they are entry level, iriver was a small effort by offering intra-type headphones slightly better than conventional headphones, because, for example, they saturate less.Mais si vous souhaitez profiter au maximum du son de ce baladeur, je ne peux que vous conseiller d’acheter une bonne paire d’écouteurs ou un bon casque. But if you want to make the most of the sound of this player, I can only advise you to buy a good pair of headphones or a headset.Attention pour les casques, évitez un casque trop gourmand, car le baladeur n’est pas extrêmement puissant. Attention to helmets, avoid a helmet too greedy because the player is not very powerful.
Video Video
Le E50 permet de regarder des vidéos, mais s’il ne l’avait pas permis, cela n’aurait pas été plus mal… En effet, l’écran du baladeur est vraiment petit et même si, en mode vidéo, la lecture passe en mode horizontal, cela ne change rien au problème ! The E50 lets you watch videos, but if he had not allowed, this would not have been worse ... In fact, the screen of the player is really small and while in movie mode, playback is horizontal mode, this does not change the problem!Surtout qu’en plus d’être petit, l’écran n’est pas d’une excellente qualité. Especially that in addition to being small, the screen is not of excellent quality.Vous l’aurez donc compris, la lecture de vidéos sur ce baladeur n’est pas spécialement conseillée, à la limite regarder un clip ou un podcast, mais une série et encore plus un film est à proscrire. You will therefore understand that the video playback on this player is not particularly advisable, at the edge to watch a clip or a podcast, but a series and even more a film is banned.Il ya des baladeurs avec de plus grand écran pour ça et même des PMP qui le font très bien. There are players with larger screen for this and MPP who do very well.
De plus, notez que pour mettre une vidéo, il vous faudra la réencoder à la taille de l’écran. Also, note that to save a video, you will need to encode the size of the screen.Cela se passe avec le logiciel que fournit iriver, cela met beaucoup de temps (20 minutes pour une série de 40 minutes), pour un résultat franchement décevant et un fichier dans un format exotique : le SMV (@30fps). This happens with the software provided by iriver, it puts a lot of time (20 minutes for a series of 40 minutes), for a frankly disappointing result and a file in a format exotic: the SMV (@ 30fps).
Photo Photo
Un peu comme le mode vidéo, le mode photo n’est pas super utile… Il sert à visionner les photos stockées sur l’appareil. A bit like the video mode, the camera mode is not super useful ... It is used to view photos stored on the device.Et comme l’écran n’est pas terrible, le rendu est moyen. And since the screen is not terrible, the result is average.Il est possible de voir ses photos en miniature avant de les afficher en plein écran. You can see his pictures in miniature before displaying them in full screen.Il est également possible de lancer un diaporama avec un fond musical, de faire pivoter une photo ou encore de zoomer dessus, du classique en soi. It is also possible to launch a slide show with background music, to rotate a picture or zooming above, the classic itself.
Notez que seuls les formats JPEG et BMP sont supportés. Note that only JPEG and BMP are supported.
Tuner FM FM Tuner
Le tuner FM du E50 n’est pas mauvais, la réception est bonne, par contre pas de RDS. FM Tuner E50 is not bad, the reception is good, not against by RDS.Mais il est possible de mémoriser des stations et d’enregistrer la radio, en live ou en programmant un enregistrement. But it is possible to store stations and record the radio, live or by scheduling a recording.Le tout se fait au format WMA dans trois qualités différentes. Everything is in WMA format in three different grades.
Enregistrement Registration
L’enregistrement se fait avec le micro interne du baladeur, il n’ya pas de line-in. The registration is done with the internal microphone of the player, there is no line-in.Comme pour le tuner FM, trois qualités sont disponibles et le format d’enregistrement est du WMA . As for the FM tuner, three qualities are available and the recording format is the WMA.
Au final, la qualité est un peu médiocre, mais avec ce type de micro ce n’est pas nouveau ! Ultimately, the quality is somewhat mediocre, but with this type of microphone that is not new!
Transfert Transfer
L’iriver E50 est un baladeur UMS ou MTP, c’est comme vous voulez ! The iriver E50 device is a MTP or UMS, as you want!En mode UMS, il se retrouve compatible sous toutes les plates-formes et le copier/coller depuis l’Explorer Windows est possible. UMS mode, it is compatible with all platforms and copy / paste from Windows Explorer is possible.Avec ce mode, le baladeur peut aussi vous servir de disque externe pour transporter vos données. In this mode, the player can also serve as external disk to carry your data.
En mode MTP, vous pourrez synchroniser ce dernier avec Windows Media Player, par exemple, mais il ne sera pas détecté sous Mac ou Linux. In MTP mode, you can synchronize it with Windows Media Player, for example, but it will not be detected on Mac or Linux.
Attention, le passage d’un mode à l’autre vous oblige à formater le lecteur ! Attention, the transition from one mode to another requires you to format the drive!
Le baladeur dispose d’un câble USB standard mini-USB 2.0 et la vitesse de transfert, mesurée par mes soins en mode UMS, est en moyenne de 2,5Mo/s. The device has a standard USB cable mini-USB 2.0 and speed of transfer, measured by myself in UMS mode, is on average 2.5 Mb / s.
À noter que quand vous branchez le baladeur, trois choix sont possibles. Note that when you plug the player, three choices are possible.Vous pouvez ainsi seulement mettre le baladeur en charge via USB, soit le mettre en charge et transférer du contenu (UMS ou MTP), ou encore le mettre en charge et s’en servir tout simplement. You can only put the player in charge via USB, or put in charge and transfer content (UMS or MTP), or put up and use them all.
Une fois le transfert terminé, que ce soit en UMS ou MTP, le baladeur met quelques secondes ou plus suivant le contenu envoyé, pour reconstruire sa base de données. Once the transfer is complete, both UMS and MTP, the player takes a few seconds or more depending on the content sent to rebuild its database.
iriver fournit un logiciel nommé iriverPlus 3, qui permet aussi de transférer du contenu sur le baladeur, de réencoder des vidéos, de taguer ses titres ou encore de mettre à jour l’appareil. iriver provides software called iriverPlus 3 that can also transfer content on the player to encode video, tag titles, or to update the device.
Autonomie Autonomy
Iriver annonce une autonomie de 52h en audio. Iriver announces autonomy 52h audio.Malheureusement, notre modèle n’a tenu “que” 48h en audio qu’avec des MP3 (192 à 320kbps, volume entre 17 et 22) et environ 33h en FLAC (volume toujours entre 17 et 22) ! Unfortunately, our model has held "that" in 48 hours with MP3 audio (192 to 320kbps, volume between 17 and 22) and about 33h in FLAC (volume always between 17 and 22)!Ce qui est déjà énorme comparé aux concurrents et surtout agréable, car cela évite d’avoir à le recharger tous les deux jours. What is already huge compared to the competitors and especially nice because it avoids having to recharge every two days.
Attention, avant ce test d’autonomie, j’ai dû décharger le baladeur 3 fois, et cela prend un max de temps, pour que la batterie se fasse, car l’autonomie n’était pas aussi élevée au départ… Attention before this test of independence, I had to unload the player 3 times, and it takes a max of time, so the battery does, because autonomy was not as high at the start ...
Conclusion Conclusion
L’ iriver E50 est une bonne alternative à de nombreux concurrents du marché (Zen Mozaic, Samsung Q1, iPod nano…), car il présente un très bon rapport qualité/prix. The iriver E50 is a good alternative to many competitors from the market (Zen Mozaic, Samsung Q1, iPod nano ...) because it has a very good value for money.Si vous cherchez un baladeur audio, penchez-vous sur son cas. If you are looking for an audio player, look at his case.Par contre, si vous cherchez un baladeur de ce type, mais multifonctions, passez votre chemin. As against, if you are looking for a player of this type, but multifunctional, go your way.
Points positifs :Positive points:
Design / InterfaceDesign / Interface
Rapport qualité/prixValue for money
Points négatifs :Negative points:
Mode photo et vidéo inutilesPhoto and video mode unnecessary
Giữ đúng lời hứa tại hội chợ công nghệ CES 2009, Iriver (Korea) cho ra hai máy phát đa chức năng PMP P7 và P35 vào tuần cuối của tháng 3.
Được giới thiệu với màn hình cảm ứng, P35 có một màn 4.3 inch hình khá đẹp với độ phân giải 480x272. Được phân ra hai dung lượng bộ nhớ trong lần lượt là 8 và 16GB, tuy nhiên người dùng có thể mở rộng bộ nhớ với khe micorSD. So với trước đây thì giá của thẻ nhớ microSD không còn là điều phải băng khoăng.
Hỗ trợ khả năng cảm ứng trọng lực như iPhone, kết nối wifi, đường ra cho TV, bộ dò đài. Bánh xe cuộn được lấy từ SPINN trước đây thật hữu dụng khi lướt nhanh qua các menu và chọn lệnh. Tất nhiên máy có khả năng phát nhạc với các định dạng truyển thống của hãng iRiver như MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG và không thể thiếu APE, FLAC cho dân nghiện nhạc loseless. Với film ảnh thì bạn có khả năng chiến với MPEG4, Xvid WMV. Ngoài ra với các định dạng hình ảnh thông thường, máy cũng hỗ trợ xem file RAW trực tiếp và sửa ảnh chút chút cho người ngồi bên cạnh lé mắt chơi. Ngoài khả năng lướt web, đọc văn bản word, exel, pdf máy cũng cho bạn đọc luôn file vector của power point và khi đã quá chán với chuyện công việc, bạn cũng có thể chơi game flash, lập lịch hẹn (girl?) hay viết blog gì đấy... ai mà biết được. Khả năng phát nhạc trong 16 tiếng và 8 tiếng cho film cũng đủ làm đẹp lòng người dùng trung bình ngấu nghiến xem được hơn 3 bộ film.
Phân ra làm 3 dòng, iRiver quyết định tìm hướng ra trong cơn khung hoảng kinh tế với dòng Basic 8Gb bộ nhớ, không hỗ trợ xem TV, không Wifi, dòng thứ hai có hỗ trợ xem TV vớ bộ nhớ trong 16GB nhưng không wifi và dòng cuối với tất cả các tính năng giới thiệu cùng bộ nhớ 16GB.
Giá chót vót là @*^ í lộn $286 (mấy cái kia chắc nhỏ giá hơn nhe) Xem thông tin thêm tại Iriver
Với máy P7, không nằm ngoài dự đoán cũng được thiết kết với màn hình 4.3 inches (480x270). Được thiết kế với cảm hứng người bạn đồng hành của bạn, P7 có một giao diện người dùng khá bắt mắt. Với khả năng phát nhạc MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG, FLAC và xem các file MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, Xvid, WMV 7/8/9, RM/RMVB, H.264. Ngoài ra điều không thể thiếu trong dòng P của irver cũng là xem hình, nghe đài và báo thức. Cũng như P35 máy có màn hình cảm ứng cùng khe mở rộng microSD trên hai dòng 8 và 16GB.
Pin trong của máy có thể cho phép người dùng nghe nhạc trong 35 giờ và xem phim trong 7 giờ. Máy có kích thước 73.4 X 112.3 X 13.6 mm, nặng 175 grams.
Giá công bố $143 cho máy 8GB và $171 cho máy 16GB. Xem thêm tại Iriver
The iriver P7 was probably the most anticipated device at iriver's CES booth. The P7 is very much like the Cowon O2. The UI is designed to look like a magazine layout, making it quite unique. This UI is displayed on a 4.3" touch display at a somewhat disappointing 480 x 272px. In terms of memory, the P7 comes in 4/8/16/32GB with a micro SD slot. The device is completely crafted in aluminum - continuing the new iriver design language.
Continue Reading for more info.
There is also an optional cradle available that has a built in speaker. Also, we usually don't talk about packaging but the P7’s package is reusable as a container, business card holder, a picture frame, etc. So far I'm pretty impressed by the design aspect of this gorgeous device.
The P7 is not yet available yet - anywhere. I have once again found it in the iriver worldwide website. I'm hoping that it will come out in Korea in about a month. I'll post another article when this device actually gets released.
SPECS Capacity - 4/8/16/32GB Size - 73.4 X 112.3 X 13.6mm @175.25g Play - 35hr music/7hr video Speaker - built in mono Display - 4.3" touch TFT (480x272px) @ 260,000 colors Audio - MP3 / WMA / WAV / OGG / FLAC Video - MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 Simple Profile, MPEG-4 Advanced, Simple Profile (B-VOP only), Xvid, WMV 7/8/9, RM/RMVB, H.264 Baseline Profile Recording - voice/radio
One does not dare hardly to say it, but Yuin G1 and G2 meet very shared returns, even within head-fi, these ear-phones would suffer appears it of a too analytical sound and clearly not basseux enough. The reason is perhaps not there, but the mark has just announced the G1A and G2A, which would offer an improvement of low and the acute ones. They are available as of now on head-direct, for a respective price of 149 and 49$, delivered with an amplifier Fiio E3.
Review of Weston ES3X from Jonathan Steingard (handsome guy) :-)
Westone is about to launch a new version of their triple-driver molded in-ears... The ES3X. They had me test a pair out, and I've been enjoying them for a couple weeks now.
The standard ES3's (which have been available for a year or two) have a slight boost in the 3k-5k range, accentuating vocals, among other things. These drivers (ES3X), on the other hand, are largely flat, providing a smooth, accurate reproduction of sound sources. They are smooth and warm, and convey a sense of space in the sound they're producing. They make music sound BIG.
Part of the BIG-ness is the balance they seem to have in the bottom end. There are enough lows to provide a solid foundation without being overwhelming. Bass guitar tones feel substantial and full. Kick drums feel punchy and powerful.
The mids are well-crafted also. There is an openness in the lower midrange that is really pleasant. There is some internal porting going on, allowing the driver to "breathe" a bit, and this design really adds to the sense of space in the sound.
The highs are slightly less pronounced than I originally expected. My old single driver in-ears were quite bright, and high end frequencies were quite pronounced.... On these drivers, I can sense a dip in the high end (10k and up), especially when listening to sources that are normally quite sibilant.
On stage, this effect is quite pleasant. You can have a vocal fairly prominent in the in-ear mix without as much of the harsh sibilance from the voice, or from cymbal bleed. That being said, even with the 10k dip, the detail in high end sources is preserved remarkably. High-hats, tambourines, and shakers retain their attack and tone, and don't lose their presence in the mix.
Overall, these in-ear monitors are the most advanced, most thought-out, and most enjoyable molds I've ever used. They are particularly great for guitarists like myself, as guitar tones are wide and open in them. I can push the drivers to high levels of volume without distortion, so safe listening volumes are well within the headroom of the drivers. The tips of the earpieces are made of a softer material, that softens further as it warms up... It makes for quite a comfortable fit.
I'd recommend these ears to anyone looking for a great in-ear experience.... particularly to guitarists.
If you're in the market for custom molded in-ear monitors, or even universal-fit monitors or casual listening earphones.... be sure to check out Westone.
One is seldom accustomed to the change at Grado, a small innovation all the three or four years and basta. However, it occurs much more in this moment. But about what is it? the small photograph should be enough to poke your curiosity and with quickly looking at the continuation.
To start, neither more nor less than one new spearhead for the mark: named the PS1000, at the same time a wink with the PS1 and the GS1000.
Side design, one is very close to the GS1000, with broad bearing and a room almost disproportionate. However, if outside is as one can see it made metal, the interior of this room is entirely out of wood (mahogany tree). Wanting at the same time to combine the accuracy of the stamp of the RS1, the comfort and the spatialization of the GS1000.
Side weight, it would seem that he is better distributed than on models PS1 and HP1000, particularly heavy because of their metal structure.
The Zanth tester of head-fi does not dry up praises on this helmet which he regards as best Grado ever left, rather enticing even if it is difficult to see an objective test there. This model will be available as of on March 1 to 1695 dollars, that is to say 695 of more than the GS1000. Small innovation (even if that existed at a certain time) for this headphone, it is delivered in one limps out of wood, and either the traditional pizza pie paperboard. This same limps will be able to be bought separately for a price of 75 dollars.