Shure has already announced a couple new microphones today for home users and the company has also unveiled a new headset for the iPhone/iPod that has a mic and a music controller built-in. The new headset is called the Shure SE115m+ and is compatible with most iPods and the iPhone line.
The big feature of the headset is that it features a Remote + Microphone on the right earpiece wire. The Remote + Microphone integrates a mic for making phone calls with a three button controller that gives control over the content on the iPhone or iPod. The three buttons allow for control of all the functionality of the Apple device.
Other features of the headset include Shure’s Dynamic Micro Speaker II dynamic driver that delivers enhanced bass and detailed sound quality. The earphones also use a noise-isolating sleeve to block noise and form a tight seal within the ear. The headset will ship with multiple sizes of eartips and a carry case later this month for $119.99. The headset will be sold exclusively through the Apple Store until early 2010.
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